Natural Digestive Aid
For All breeds of horses


Easy to use packet no fuss no mess no measuring 

  • It's a mash
  • it's a healthy treat 
  • it's healthy digestive aid. 3 in one combination.    


Open packets remove gel pack. Absorbs moisture and maintains products freshness extended shelf life. Add Fran's yummy mash to your choice of feed with desired amount of hot or warm water to re hydrate the fruity mix. Warm water is best as it will enhances the wonderful aromatic flavor, and it will smell so yummy that it will be irresistible to your equine friend.


Mix well Add more water to make a tasty soup.


My personal choice

I will add a whole bucket of hot water along with their regular feed to make a tasty fruity soup, most horses don’t drink enough water in the winter. This is a simple solution to hydrate your horses, either way they will love it, In hot summer months I use cold water as a refreshing delicious fruity smoothie mix.


Not your typical mash 

A holistic wholesome comfort mix. Helps hydrate your horses, disguises medications and added supplements. A wonderful boost of natural goodness with added ingredients that's supports healthy digestion. 

Use daily, or as desired 

1/2 packet for minis, 1 packet for an average horse and drafts

Fran's yummy mash is good for all horses including foals, seniors and finicky equines.


Resources are from the USA with state of the arts dehydrator system to provide the best quality in dried fruits and veggies without additives or preservatives.


A step above

Packets are sealed to protect the mix from contaminations from rodents and flies. Orders are carefully packed and inspected individually.


Packets are made to order therefore nonrefundable.

Please read the ingredient list to ensure your horse doesn't have allergies to the contents.